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common medical school interview questions

common medical school interview questions

You suddenly receive a phone call from Mrs. Johnson, an 87-year-old patient in a nursing home who has been a patient of yours for 20 years. For instance, you might be asked to record your answers to predetermined questions. Is it OK for him to not be monitored before his kidney transplant? Access to these resources is completely free. Answer: Give her the pills after asking questions, making sure she understands what they are used for, how to use them, what safe sex looks like, etc. Even if birth control pills are taken correctly, they do not block 100% of all pregnancies. What if they are mad? Following major news outlets on social media is another way to stay on top of breaking news and issues. Medical school interview questions about medicine and your career goals. You are certain a 5-year-old child has meningitis. What in Recent Current Events Has Interested You? But given the MMI’s unique demands, how can you prepare for it? ", 8 First Day of High School Activities to Get to Know Your Students, Tips for the College Interview Question "Who Has Most Influenced You? What personal challenges do you think you'll face as a physician? 2. 10 common medical school interview questions This list is meant to give you a general sense of the types of questions you’ll be asked. Your patient is getting ready for surgery but is extremely anxious and nervous. The medical school interview is high stakes: studies have found that interview performance is the most important factor in admissions decisions. You decide that you want to talk to Michael about this. Enter the room and talk to the parents. In the latter case, you will most likely have to include both sides of the situation, ultimately giving two different answers. A 13-year-old girl is diagnosed with early stage lymphoma and has a great chance of survival due to advancements in cancer therapies. From what you understand of medical school, what part of the program will be most difficult for you? You find out you got in, but your friend was rejected for the second time. Admissions committees like this question so that they can assess how motivated the student is to attend their school. Get our free guide to help you with every step: Get Into Medical School: 6 Practical Lessons to Stand Out and Earn Your White Coat. Enter the room where Kate and Amanda are waiting for you. Give an example of a time you changed your position on a topic. Do they have an interesting protagonist? Some students sign up for just one session (e.g., for their dream school), but most students sign up for multiple sessions because they either don't feel very confident in their interview skills; don't want to leave anything to chance; or because they want to use one round to prep for traditional interviews, another to prep for MMI interviews, etc. When you refuse to sell him needles, he threatens that he will go do heroine with needles he found. As you finish up the exam and are about to call her father back in, she asks you for birth control pills. After identifying the key factors in the question, the prompt is reduced to the following: You are a pediatrician, a 14-year-old girl asks you for birth control pills. You approach her after the incident. You notice that she is hard of hearing and doesn’t really understand what you are telling her but nods her head as you speak. How would you react? Why? Excessive details can clutter and confuse the evaluator. The mother of a-12-month-old believes that vaccines cause autism and that she believes that immunity should be all natural. Your interview coaching session will be specifically tailored to you and to the school that you've been invited to interview at. Moreover, interviewers will use the process to determine whether you have a sufficient understanding of the DO philosophy and if you have the ideal qualities of an osteopathic physician. What do you do? Physician must have the patient’s best interest in mind, Physician must respect patient’s autonomy. Do you get flustered? Prepare yourself for both situations. Discuss a time when you went against the orders of your superiors. You do not have to finish the project! 7 Common Medical School Interview Questions (And Answers) If you want some more specific guidance on these types of questions, schedule a practice interview with us. “How did you think you and your partner did?” “Why do you think the project was incomplete or had errors?”. It is impossible to prepare for every potential question that you could run into during your interview, but you can follow a step-by-step process to ensure you have a strong framework for evaluating any situation an MMI might throw at you. 10 Most Common Medical Interview Questions Medical school interview questions are as wide-ranging as what you can get asked at a normal interview. (If you are looking for common medical school interview questions, that are not MMI format questions, click here instead.) The performer will be working with the instructor to replicate the given design. We will now jump into two full-length examples of how to apply this step-by-step process in answering practice questions, one acting and one non-acting. ", ThoughtCo uses cookies to provide you with a great user experience. Try saying, “Can you please tell me what you see in front of you, so we know that we’re on the same page?” This quote shows that you care about the performer’s understanding and demonstrates your willingness to work as a team. We recommend talking through both sides of the situation in your answer. Sample Medical School Interview Questions and Answers There are several medical school interview questions that you should be prepared for. But an MMI allows you more chances to impress. Your medical school roommate is feeling overwhelmed with the amount of material that is being covered. As the medical student in your extended family, people have asked you to have conversation with Tim so that he can change his ways before it is too late. Even if students prefer to spend time on the computer rather than curled up with a paperback, they should have read three or so age-appropriate books that they can speak about thoughtfully in the interview. A teenager has been in a vegetative state for over a year after a horrible skating accident. “Tell me about a time when you a made a mistake,” on the flip side, requires you to tell a story to demonstrate a weakness. In this case, the patient cannot truly understand the situation and having the baby would not be in her best interest.”. You are a student working in a free clinic. While some of them are intentionally tough, there’s a … 5 Good Questions to Ask at the End of a Medical School Interview. Given that the patient is 20 years old, they should be able to make their own medical decisions without a parent’s consent. What are some of the challenges you foresee in your career? Your story should be a platform that you use to explain a mistake, show how you dealt with the mistake, what you learned, and how you’ve grown since. What to Expect During a Grad School Interview. Upon physical examination, you notice a pattern of bruises on the boy's torso. Enter the room. You and your best friend try out for the varsity soccer team. If you underperform in one of two traditional interviews or simply don’t click with one of the interviewers, you might find yourself out of luck. Outlets such as The New York Times or The Economist are often popular options and are available both online and in print. He usually doesn’t miss class so you’re worried. As a physician, you are caring for a high-risk pregnant woman. Always talk about what you learned, what you did to fix the problem, how you have changed, and are continuously working to make yourself better. Describe a time you needed to ask for help. Do I tell them I have a weakness? For non-acting scenarios, you will have to discuss your entire thought process because you will not be able to ask questions to narrow down the specifics of the situation. During her physical exam, her dad leaves the room. BS/MD | BA/MD | BS/DO Admissions Services, MMI Interview: The Ultimate Guide (100 Sample Questions Included), Part 3: Types of MMI questions—and how to answer each type, Part 4: How to prep for the MMI interview, Appendix A: Sample MMI interview questions, Appendix B: List of medical schools that use MMI interview, University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, please let us know how we can help you crack the the medical school admissions code, Click here to learn more about our 1:1 MMI interview coaching, Click here to learn about our 1:1 MMI interview coaching, Video coaching session Tell me about yourself. What makes a good physician and where do you fit in that category? Ryan Karmouta MD, MBA. Here’s how to succeed in both roles, that of instructor and that of doer, or performer. You would blatantly be rejecting her request, which may cause further issues and points to a lack of trust. Some actors might be rude or non-cooperative patients, whereas others will be pleasant and easy. Fortunately, he is now near the top of the list and is called into the hospital for tests. You have two patients who desperately need an organ transplant but there is only one organ available. Different medical schools offer different numbers of stations and the questions they ask vary. Today, I’ll offer insights for successfully answering some of the most common medical school interview questions encountered during the medical school interview. Why don’t you want your parents to know? Do I turn a weakness into a strength? You are a primary care physician (PCP) who has cared for Mrs. Carter for over 40 years. Common medical school interview questions #4: “Is there anything else you want me and the admissions committee to know?” Preparation: Know the components or main parts of your application that you really want to highlight. A 9-year-old boy has presented to your emergency department for the sixth time this month for seizures. Are you, or have you been, sexually active? After you enter the office, you take a deep breath. You notice that a fellow classmate, Michael, often shows up late or slightly hungover. After going through the scheduling, you notice that some appointment times are double-booked. 4 Tips for Common Medical School Interview Questions Learn how to craft compelling answers so you're prepared for this stage of the application process. In this section is a bank of possible MMI prompts inspired from recent interviewees, questions major universities such as the University of British Columbia have made public, and our collective experience advising students that you might encounter in MMIs, and which you can use in practice interviews to prepare for your first MMI. Take a moment to think, smile, and answer the questions presented to you. She doesn’t believe you as her symptoms have gotten better after resting for a bit. As long as you have covered both sides of the story and relied on logic, be confident and collected! You being to worry that his may be a case of physical abuse. Having a few ready is a must, as it demonstrates your interest and lets you find out if the program is right for you. We’ll go in-depth into the nature of each type of station later on, but here’s a high-level summary to get you started. You are a third-year medical student doing your rotation in OBGYN. Learn Something New … “I crack under pressure.”. Your sister asks for your support. You’ve likely prepared for traditional interviews before by asking friends, colleagues, or mentors to do mock interviews with you. We have compiled a list of 100 ethical scenarios and questions from MMI interviews at Medical Schools in the UK, US, Canada and Australia. Some prompts may be filled with extraneous information that is unnecessary to your answer or understanding of the scenario. After working with the patient for a week, you ask about the other marks on the patient's body, and he admits to being abused by his parents He begs you not to tell anyone. MMI interviews allow schools to get a more holistic understanding of how you think. What challenges do you expect to encounter as a physician? Once you understand that admission committees are looking for team players, these scenarios are easily demystified. You’re not just “too hard-working” or “too nice.”, At the same time, never offer a weakness that may automatically dismiss you, i.e. Are you preparing for a job interview for a medical assistant position? Common medical school interview questions Schools and individual interviewers have their own styles. Remember, you are both working together to complete the project, so do not feel that you are holding the team back. They do not present with a prescription, and based on the records you can access, they are not receiving treatment for diabetes. “I would then ask the parents questions after talking to their daughter alone. Is she fantasizing the idea of potentially being a mom and having a baby without understanding the responsibilities? As the instructor, your goal is to work with your partner—either your interviewer/evaluator, who will be acting as the performer, or a fellow applicant—to replicate the design in front of you in the given timeframe. While it’s acceptable to speak about books students have read in school, they should also have read some books outside of class. A chronically ill patient has requested that she would like to have her code status changed to DNR. Medical School Interview Questions for Students Below are some questions that are asked in a medical school interview for students, as well as the answers and tips for your interview preparations. There are, of course, always many other factors to consider in the real world, such as malpractice suits and the logistics of delivering care. Describe a time you have failed at something in a non-academic setting. The calm individual sets the pace. You’re then responsible for completing a task—often building or assembling something—either alone or together. You realize that she has lost a lot of blood and a blood transfusion is her only chance of survival; however, Jehovah’s Witness parents are adamantly against it. How will you handle the stress of medical school? Resources such as Bright Journals, Student BMJ and newspaper health sections will clue you in to the most recent … We will provide you with insights in the Newcastle medicine interview and which types of questions to expect. whether you get into your #1 choice for medical school. A Native American man has broken his arm while working. Tell me about a time when you had a difficult communication problem. Similar to acting scenarios, the answer will fall in between two extremes. You are a physician taking care of a patient with gastric cancer. You ask Kevin to talk. Scenario. An elderly woman shows signs of abuse. If not, don’t freak out. This is a common interview question and one that is potentially filled with minefields. When you discuss the need for an immediate antibiotic treatment, the parents refuse, saying, “We’ll take  him home and pray over him instead.” What do you do? No physician works alone; doctors work with other physicians, PAs, RNs, NPs, CNAs, etc. Although you may be an ideal medical school candidate, unless you can present your skills and attributes effectively in an interview situation, you will not gain admission to your dream course. Correctly assemble the blocks. Use this in-depth guide for advice, and to help you prepare strong answers for the top questions. What do you do as the physician? There is a fantastic post on the StudentDoc Medical School Interview Forum with over 140 sample questions and advice on the interview. The case would be quite simple for a patient without Down Syndrome. My role as a physician is to provide the best care to the patient and respect her autonomy. Again: what the patient wants is not always best for them. The information that he is a long-term patient of yours, has three children, and was just at the hospital are unimportant to your understanding of the scenario. You are an emergency room physician taking care of a patient who has come in requesting painkillers for his back. In this scenario, your main objective should be to determine if the patient is competent or not. MMI interviews are more standardized, with rubrics for evaluation, which limits the subjective factors that may influence an admission decision, such as chemistry with the interviewer. The suggested answers won’t work for everyone. Enter the room and talk to the advisor. Having a solid understanding of interview questions and technique will give you an enormous advantage over others vying for a medical school place. They can reveal your thought process, teamwork ability, and character traits—strengths and weaknesses alike. The next morning, Julia calls you and reveals that she drove home despite drinking that night. What travels have you taken and what exposure to other cultures have you had? Issues with Option 2: What is best for the patient isn’t always what the patient wants. Enter the room and talk to Maddie. Please explain your reasoning. Can parents refuse to immunize their children? A close co-worker has recently lost their child due to a car accident. You might be asked to simulate a difficult conversation with a family member or a friend, for instance. You have already promised to meet your family for dinner. She requests that you do not tell her parents. As you are leaving the hospital, Jennifer, a patient who knew you well, sees you from the waiting room and grabs your attention. You might also encounter a paper with many “positive” words (positive, honest, loyal, respectful, empathetic, responsible, humble, forgiving, kind, optimistic) and you’ll be asked to circle a few that least describe you. Enter the room. The medical school interview is one of the most difficult parts of the application process. Many applicants find the prospect of MMI interviews frightening—perhaps you’ve heard they involve role-play, pretending to be a real live doctor, working with actors, and solving complex biomedical questions on the spot. When you exit the room and tell the resident of this problem, she replies, “Just get it done.” How do you react? What would they say about you? ", How to Fill Out the Standard Application to Private School, 9 Common Medical School Interview Questions and How to Answer Them, What to Expect During a Grad School Interview, How to Write the Parent Statement for Private School, 5 Mistakes to Avoid When Applying to Private School, Psy.D., Organizational Psychology, Rutgers University - New Brunswick, B.A., History and Literature, Harvard University. You will be given 6 minutes to complete this design. The physician contacts her husband and son but is met with stern objection upon asking for consent. Additionally, she requests that you do not tell her parents. What do you do? Blythe Grossberg, Psy.D., is a teaching and learning specialist. You might even have a pre-medical or pre-health advising office at your college that offers interview advice or practice. Looking for more advice? I took 2 gap years and got very few questions about undegrad (esp compared to u/len49 's list). Never make excuses for your mistake/behavior. You may feel more stressed about the MMI process because you need to impress many different evaluators in a day. You can also learn more about our 1-on-1 medical school admissions support here. You will not be able to see each other or refer to color. Then, with all the questions and responses I’ve gained, I would be able to determine if the patient is competent or not. Does their daughter really understand what is going on? Her child is currently unvaccinated and is at risk for diseases that are otherwise nonexistent for the vaccinated community. How would you handle this situation? How might your ideal medical school achieve this outcome? You will still be given two minutes outside the room to prepare and eight minutes inside the room with an interviewer. But know that in the MMI scenario, you’re looking to genuinely determine the human aspects of the case—is the patient competent or not competent in this case? Between the rigorous medical school requirements you have to complete before even applying to the countless essays you’ll write (e.g., personal statement, secondary essays), you’ll likely be exhausted by the time you finally hit send on your last applications. Medical schools hope that MMI interviews will let them better assess your teamwork and communication skills, maturity, empathy, situational responses, and overall thought process. Your older sister tells you that she wants to have an IVF and have her child implanted into a surrogate mother for $3,000 through a company. If she is a competent adult, the patient’s wishes take priority of her parent’s in this case. He tells you that he doesn’t want his girlfriend to know about this diagnosis in fear that she will leave him. In this article, we list some of the most common medical school interview questions, discuss example answers and offer some tips for how to prepare for your interview. What would you do in this situation? You are a first-year medical student and you have just failed your first block final. Always talk about the consequences of your mistake. I have seen these types of questions appear during panel/traditional type interviews, modified personal interviews (MPI) and even multiple mini interviews (MMI) . Enter the room and talk to your co-worker. (e.g., MD/PhD, MD/MBA, MD/MPH). Enter the room and talk to Jonathan. After a complete physical exam and workup, you discover he has HIV. Check in with the performer. Rather, they’re meant to see how you process a difficult situation. Therefore, we invite you to sign up with confidence. This guide covers the course structure, tips for the Newcastle interview as well as advice from a current Newcastle Medical School Student. Look at each of the questions below and write down a few ways you would answer it. It’s compelling if the student has visited classes at the school or spoken to coaches or teachers so that she can speak in a firsthand, vivid way about why she wants to attend the school. Two days later, you notice that the same man is consuming hand sanitizer throughout the hospital. 1. You are a physician who has just finished your long day at work and are finally able to go home at an appropriate time for the first time in weeks. Read: Common Medical School Interview Questions: 4 … Admission committees don’t want to see generic answers to these personal questions. If the patient was 18 or older, she would be considered an adult and able to make her own medical decisions without a parent’s consent. Mr. Anderson is currently dying and is in tremendous pain. This is the question: Do I side with the patient and allow her to keep the baby or do I side with the parents and allow an abortion? 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